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We Have Ukrainian Flags cineSOURCE staff
for those who want to show support for the Ukrainian defense of their 30 year-old democratic tradition in the face of an autocratic colonialist invasion.
Flag Varieties and Prices
5 x 3 foot Sewn Polyester Flag Our cost: $10 Donation: $30
5 x 3 foot Printed Flag Our cost: $4 Donation: $20
SUWU is an East Bay group organized by a few young Ukrainian-Americans who took it upon themselves to raise money and to travel to Ukraine to set up a highly efficient delivery system to help people in severe need.
They achieve this by A) buying all supplies in Ukraine, which both saves on shipping and stimulates the economy, and B) by setting up ad hoc shipment centers in living rooms and garages and having local volunteers package every thing from food staples to cleaning supplies and clothing.