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The Hitchcock Manifesto by the HitchCult Collective
Hitch obsesses on Tip (pi Hedren) on the set of 'Marnie' (1964). photo: courtesy A. Hitchcock
Master of Suspense but simply The Master.
2. The Master epitomizes the Renaissance Man in his integration of all cinema styles and genres, including inventing a few of his own, as well as art, movement, music, poetry, narrative and iconography.
3. All post-1930 fiction film and television are indebted to The Master.
4. The Master is paradoxical. As with all deities, his kindness and cruelty was random.
5. Although The Master's investigation of evil in the context of romantic relations accesses the romantic paradigm through its underbelly, within which he himself was trapped, about the final triumph of good, The Master remained romantic.
6. It is miraculous that despite The Master's prodigious intake of foodstuffs and drink, almost completely sans exercise, he lived long enough to produce an unprecedented quantitative and qualitative body of work: over 50 films and 300 television shows.
7. The Master tops but ties into our pantheon of the most significant cinema artists of the 20th century.
Hitch obsesses on Day (Doris) on set of 'The Man Who Knew Too Much' (1956). photo: courtesy A. Hitchcock
HitchCult is a group of Hitchcock devotees who gather periodically to show and discuss movies and to make therm; they can be reached through .