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Oakland Stammer WoManifesto by Doniphan Blair
art is compound metaphor; cinema is compound art.
2. In metaphorical realms, there is no such thing as uniculture or absence of ambiguity.
3. California is structurally ambiguous. A place of great dreams, fortunes, romance, nature and beauty, California is also a repository of nightmares, poverty, loneliness, urban wasteland and ugliness. Some of the most advanced arenas of this iconography and narrative is in the city of Oakland.
Stammer Manifesto Poster
4. Reconciling these contradictions and realigning them to the noble endeavor of compound art and romantic evolution is the object of the Oakland Film Stammer.
5. The Stammering Cineaste tackles big questions both boldly and askance without regard to genre, ideology and political correctness, or aesthetic edifice, format and technique, or class, race or sexual orientation, or any other artificial limitation.
6. Oaklanders are art makers; cinema is compound art; Oakland is a site of great ambiguity; great cinema tackles big questions; the Oakland Stammer Movement in name or deed is inevitable.
Not that many film crews covered the Oakland Occupy but if we had a functional film movement in 2011, this is what it would have looked like. illo: D. Blair
Doniphan Blair is a writer, filmmaker, graphic designer and fine artist living in Oakland and he can be reached .