personal training las vegas
Posted: 02 January 2011 12:32 PM   [ Ignore ]  
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Joined  2011-01-02

As a Las Vegas Personal Fitness Trainer, I get asked everyday how to get a flat and tone stomach. For me, that’s probably the number one fitness goal among both men and women. Yet, a lot of people do the many wrong things when trying to find a flat stomach. Even my Las Vegas Personal Training clients use to create exactly the same mistakes that I am going to cover in the following paragraphs.

Mistake #1 - Doing A lot of Abdominal Exercises: Plenty of people think they’ll have a tight and tone stomach by doing a pile of abdominal exercises. It is not true. You can’t spot reduce fats. It does not matter the amount of knee ups or crunches you do, if the body fat won’t drop, you will never see your own abs.

Mistake #2 - Doing Endless Cadio: This is another big myth. A lot of people think that doing slow-paced cadio will burn a great deal of fat. Not so. Slow paced cardio is one of the least effective ways to decrease the unwanted weight. You are much better off with doing weight resistance and interval training. I remember one of my Personal Trainer Las Vegas clients use to accomplish much cardio, thinking that he would get yourself a 6-pack stomach. He never did. Whenever he started working with me, he got his 6 pack abs. We did this by using alot of weight resistance and fast, stop and go cadio, called interval training.

Mistake #3 - Buying those silly abdominal gadgets in the media: These are a complete waste of your own money and time. Like I said before, you can not spot reduce fat. Those tools do not work to get you a great set of washboard abs. I have seen lots of people spend hundreds of dollars on these silly gadgets, thinking they were going to get into great shape. And they never did.

Mistake #4 - Taking Weight loss supplements: This is always a bad idea. Research has proven that all those weightloss pills don’t even contain the ingredients they claim they do. Plus, lots of these bogus slimming capsules damage your own metabolism. One of my Las Vegas Personal Trainer clients use to take a lot of slimming capsules and he just got severe stomach aches and was irritable the many time.

Now, you maybe thinking how do you have a flat and tone stomach. First, it’s important to do whole body workouts that utilize weight resistance. This will help you build muscle, thus causing you to definitely burn so many excess fat. Second, you must eat a balanced and clean diet. Avoid processed foods, opting for more raw and natural foods. Make sure you are eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day. This will also boost a person’s metabolism. Never skip meals and yes, you need carbs in your diet. Carbohydrates boost an individual’s metabolic rate greatly. Just eat clean carbs in moderation.

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Since owning my Personal Trainer Las Vegas Program, I have transformed numerous Las Vegas Personal Training patrons crush fat, tone up and get into awesome shape. And I have been doing this successfully for the previous 17 years. And still to this day, I recognize people making the exact bloopers over and over out there.

There are many misbeliefs as to what is needed to get into spectacular shape. And sadly, many people fall to these misbeliefs and never lose the fat they want to or get into killer shape. I am here to renovate that for you. As a Las Vegas Personal Fitness Trainer, I am going to show some light as to what it truly takes to melt fat and tighten up your entire body. And I am also going to crush some of the fitness myths out there for you.

Personal Trainer Las Vegas Smashes Weight Loss Myths


personal trainer las vegas
personal training las vegas
