Daily Backlinks Tracking
Posted: 24 October 2010 04:08 PM   [ Ignore ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-10-24

Backlinks are inbound links to your webpage. They’re important, but a lot of people don’t pay them any attention. They’re a part of a good SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy.

Whether you’re trying to sell goods or services, or you’re just trying to get clicks on Adsense and other revenue-earners on your blog or website, having good backlinks matters.

How Do You Track Your Backlinks?
Tracking backlinks daily, or at any other interval, can be done in all kinds of ways. Some people use Google to search for links to their content. Other people use Yahoo, and there are literally hundreds of software applications
that can be used for tracking backlinks. Each person will have to decide, through research and analysis as well as through some trial and error, what software he wants to use in order to track his backlinks.

Because of the variety of options, it’s always a good idea to check out more than one option for tracking backlinks. That way, you know you’ve gotten the right thing. If you just pick the first thing you find, it might not be what you really need depending on the features you want. On the other hand, don’t spend so much time using different options that you never settle on anything. You’ll end up confused and with too many choices.

Pick from only a few choices, and then slowly branch out from there if none of them meet your needs. Tracking backlinks can be done through free or paid services, and you don’t want to spend money for something you can get for free – but you don’t want to be unwilling to pay for quality, either. It’s a delicate balance, and what you use to track backlinks daily may change over time as the needs of your business change.

We use a tool that we have developed; LinkVelocityTool (free). This analyzer tool is a user-friendly utility that shows links from the same domain, links from other sites, and the total number of backlinks. It also lists every website that links with the source and the destination, including the increase of backlinks over a period of time.  If you also have SEO Quake installed in your browser as I do using Firefox, you can determine link quality as every link is displayed with the Google PageRank from each source.  So here, you have a great combination of two tools that cover both quantity and quality of your backlinks.

How Do You Get More Backlinks?
There’s no real point in a lot of fancy software if you don’t have much to track. In order to track your backlinks, you need to be getting them. You can get a lot of backlinks through companies that promise to exchange links with you, but these are often poor quality, and they won’t help your rankings in the search engines. Avoid them if possible, because you can get branded a spammer very quickly if all you have are links that are low quality.

If you understand that backlinks involves other sites linking to you then you should also understand that CONTENT is the key tool to actually get backlinks.  To get the highest quality backlinks you need to write high quality, highly relevant, non duplicate content.  You need to give sites, quality sites, and an impressive reason to link to you.  Quality content is the fuel for all internet marketing and SEO is no exception.  The content itself needs to be promoted through sophisticated, intensive online syndication strategies.  In addition, well-optimized content will contain the proper anchor text to establish the backlink simply from the implementation and indexation of the content itself.

Getting backlinks, just like tracking them properly and maximizing the information you get from that tracking, takes work. It’s well worth the effort, though, as you see the quality of backlinks to your site continue to rise. The number of backlinks you receive will grow, as well, and that will make your site more credible. It’ll show up in search engines more readily, and continue to help build your business.

Are you trying to build rankings, visibility and new business online
?  Contact us as we would be glad to help. OR you can try our free LinkVelocityTool here.



Posted: 29 October 2010 09:07 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-10-29

Hey thanks for these links these links are very useful. I was looking for it from long time.

Hi everyone i am also new here. Looking for a great time here.


i am new here.....

thanks for telling to us that very helpful post for all

thank you so much

regards !


