blue pitbull puppies
Posted: 01 January 2011 12:55 PM   [ Ignore ]  
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Joined  2011-01-01

Pit bull puppies can be adopted from the pit bull kennel. Before adopting a puppy, make sure you check with the insurance company. Some insurance companies do not allow the policy holder to keep a pit bull. The reason that many insurance companies don’t allow homeowners to keep pit bulls is because they have a tendency to hurt people. Some cities in the United States prohibit the homeowners from owning pit bull puppies. It is your responsibility to check with the local department to find out if you are allowed to raise pit bull puppies. If you don’t want to adopt it from the kennel, you can purchase it from a breeder. Despite that, it is best that you adopt it from the kennel. The puppy from the kennel is trained so you don’t have to spend time to train it anymore. Most of the puppies from the stores are not trained and won’t listen to your command. Hence, it is recommended that you buy the pit bull puppy from a kennel

Pitbull puppies are very cute and adorable. If you own a pitbull puppy, it is important to give them the proper training. Read this article to find out how you can train your pitbull puppy in a proper manner, so that they become obedient dogs later on.

It is best to start the training as early as possible. For a pitbull puppy, the exact training age varies but it is recommended to start when it is 3-4 weeks old. If dedicated attention and careful training is not given then their natural aggression surfaces and it becomes harder to train them later. Initially, it is better to start with the basics, so that the pitbull puppy understands the basic commands. If proper training is given at an early age then all future training efforts become much easier.

The most difficult part of owning a pet pit bull is their training. However, it is important to give early obedience training to pit bulls. Otherwise, there are chances that they may become aggressive and uncontrollable. A poorly trained puppy often becomes problematic for their owners and especially dangerous for small kids at home.

Pit bulls are quite intelligent dogs and respond well to commands. These puppies, at first can be trained to understand commands like ‘go’, ‘fetch’, ‘heel’ and also their names. Repeating commands over and over again helps the puppy to learn faster.

A pitbull puppy is known to be an athletic dog. Thus, they need stamina and strength training. The best and most common way to teach any puppy is by driving and tracking. A string and a ball can be useful for this purpose. When the ball is shown to the pitbull, it becomes curious and when thrown away from him, the puppy tries to fetch it. Using this method, a lot of other tricks can be taught to the pitbull puppy.


blue pitbull puppies for sale
blue pitbull puppies

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